Nick Quach

Is it just me,
Who find those who call,
With nothing to say,
‘I was just saying hi’
Boring and time wasting?

Is it just me,
Or is it true,
That those who keep complaining,
Of how boring programs are,
How bad food is,
Negative negative,
Are themselves boring to death?

Is it just me,
Who prefers loud music,
In matatus at night,
Rather than the silly uncensored conversations,
Drunkards have,
And the jokes?

Is it just me,
Who deletes a song from my phone,
Once I hear a jirani’s kid,
Singing the lyrics right?

Is it just me,
Who hates having conversation with pretty girls,
Because the first thing they think,
Is that am hitting on them?

Is it just me,
Or it is true,
Than when I alight a matatu in traffic to walk,
It always moves faster than me?

Is it just me,
Who thinks that me,
Can never be anything else,
But just me?
Is it just me.

…rolling wheels

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